A story for Compassion International

This is a short story for Compassion International for World Malaria Day. It is written from the perspective of a mosquito. 
Hi, I am a mosquito living in Sub-Saharan Africa. I am feared by many people. I do have a full understanding of the reason for their fear. I would also be fearful of something that could do to me what my bite can do to the people that share the territory where I live.

I am one of the mosquitoes that carry a disease known as malaria. Many people die from my bite every year. It is a sad thing that my brethren and I cause such a horrible thing to happen to people.

I have landed on people that are suffering from the effects of my bite, and they are burning hot! It is uncomfortable for me to land on them. My feet feel the heat coming from them. I can tell by looking at many of the people suffering that they are in pain from the disease my bite causes. I do not understand the reason that people get this disease from my bite, but I do not suffer from this disease myself.

It is not my wish to cause such a horrible thing to people. I definitely do not want someone to die from my bite! The thing that hurts me the most is that many of the ones that die from my bite are children. It breaks my heart to see a child suffering from my bite. I wish that I was like my brethren that I have heard about that live in other places in the world. Their bite does not cause such a horrible disease. Their bite may cause a person to itch a little bit and usually goes away in a few days.

Unfortunately, I must bite people. It is how I eat! All I am doing when I bite is getting my supper. We are cursed with the disease that we spread. I think about it in this way, I need people, probably much more than they need me. Why would I want to harm you in such a way? It is a curse that we mosquitoes carry.

There is One that can break this curse though. He is the one that created all of us, you and me. He is able to remove this curse. Pray and ask Him to end the curse. He will guide and show you the way. As for me, I can only do so much and I do need to eat. You, however, are the ones that He loves.
Jason and I will be doing a book signing event at our church, Family Life Fellowship, on Father's Day for "11:59." I never thought that I would ever be doing a book signing for any of my writing. I would like to thank God for such an incredible honor and blessing that he has given me. Praise God our Father!!
My next project for Serendipitous Inspiration is going to be a fictional work. The title of the book is "Lockdown." Look for it to be available soon. Also we are doing another submission based book that will consist of testimonies on how God has changed lives. 
11:59 is finished and is available for purchase. We have been able to provide a copy for download at no cost! I am so pleased that we have been able to keep the price of the book as low as possible. I was overjoyed to learn that it can be downloaded for free. I hope that everyone enjoys the book. God Bless.
"11:59" is in the editing stage right now and we will be putting the book on the market at cost. The price of the book will be what it costs to produce and publish the book. Jason and I feel the message of "11:59" is very important, so we are trying to keep the price of the book as low as possible.Also, Volume two of Serendipity is still in the works, the deadline for submissions is June 1st. 
The original short story of "11:59" first appears in Volume one of Serendipity. Jason and I have come up with a project to expand on that story and make a small book out of it. The story of :11:59" is finished. Jason will be adding some artwork and some writing of his own that will complement the story. The story itself is actually a collection of short stories. The second story in the series will also appear in volume two of Serendipity. 
I am going to use the blog page on here to keep everyone up to date on the projects that are in the works at the moment. This site will be different from my own personal works which will include the characters introduced in Serendipity. This project will be fictional works, but will all have a Christian theme in the story. The first will be "11:59." the original short story can be found in Serendipity volume one. The book will be an expansion of that original story. I have two other projects in the works right now and I will be posting the titles of those two works shortly.