Hello, reader, this is my first post since changing the focus of my career so I am not going to go on for very long. I posted earlier on my Facebook Fan page that I was going to announce what my future held as a writer, as promised, here it is. As of right now, my career in the genre of horror is over. I will not be quitting writing entirely, but I will be moving into inspirational and motivational writing and books.Although I have changed directions with my writing career, I will continue to work the Vampire Lawman Series until we reach the end of that series. Because of the direction it is going, I feel that it is important to finish it.A lot of people that I know cringe when someone tells them that they are a christian.  I can see where they start with such feelings, look at how many Christians conduct themselves today. I know quite a few that don't really practice what they preach as they move through their lives judging others and avoiding most because they never want to deal with it. It is not our job to judge people, we are called upon by Jesus to love one another, where did Jesus say, "Love others unless they..." because I will change my way of thinking if someone can find it for me. I have always been an avid fan of History Channel, but nothing drove me crazier than when a racist group would say that what they do and believe is in the Bible. I am just a regular man, I am no pastor or preacher, but I have never once be in a church where anyone has told me about Jesus supporting racism. You have churches protesting the funerals of soldiers when by the nature of the word they read, they should be console the the family and showing that they care about them as Jesus does. Topeka-based Westboro Baptist Church gained a lot of attention for the protests that have been a lot of televised attention for its heartless protests in the sights of grieving families as they put their son, daughter, brother, or sister into the ground. As Jesus died on the cross, did he not ask the father to forgive those for what they were doing?  Why would a true believer in Jesus Christ work so hard to add to the tears of another of God's children?  The courts have made judgements against them, but they still continue to do these things and scream at the top of their lungs that it is for God. The fact that a bunch of bikers stepped up to block the sight and sounds of the protesters from the poor greiving family brought a tear to my eye, and I am happy that they did so with out violence in anyway.  I am not saying that we all have to embrace war and what it brings about, but as followers of Christ, Christians should be there for their fellow man, not as salt in the wound, but as a loving sibling that wants to help you through your time of pain. I am not perfect man, but I still felt the protests at the funerals were horrible before I became a Christian. I also get annoyed when churches refuse membership to a certain person or class. We all need to remember the church is not the building, it is the people that come there to worship that is really the church. It took me over 30 years to finally find a church that I felt at home in, a church that turns no one away, as Christ himself would have never done.  "Judge Not, lest ye be judged," i believe is how it goes. I have seen people that i have known to not have lead a sinless life push to have someone tossed out of church because they had fallen. Jesus forgives us and gives us all many chances, why cannot we do the same in his name. Family Life Fellowship in Moberly, Missouri turns no one away. Who is anyone to say that any man or woman does not have the right to worship the one true God. Jesus believed that all of people who have fallen deserve to be saved. It is God's will that no one burn in hell.  Now, what are your thoughts on what i have said. Please comment and turn this into a discussion. Comments containing obscene language will be deleted, otherwise, LET THE DISCUSSION BEGIN.

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